Worship Ministry


True worship is God-centered worship. We often tend to get caught up in where we should worship, what music we should sing in worship, and how the worship looks to other people. The reality is: its not designed to entertain us but to please God. Focusing on these things completely misses the point. Jesus tells us that true worshipers will worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).

Worship From Heart & Head
Worship From Heart & Head

This means we worship from the heart and from our head which is the way God has designed. Worship can include praying, reading God’s Word with an open heart, singing, participating in communion, and serving others. It is not limited to one act, but is done properly when the heart and attitude of the person are in the right place.

What We Desire During Worship

We believe that worship is believing the gospel and responding with one’s whole life and being to the person and work of God’s Son.
At Camino Community Church, it is our desire that the worship of God should be:


We must prepare and make ready our hearts and emotions so we will be in the proper frame of mind.


We give great place to contemporary music AND hymns in our worship.


We place great emphasis on teaching the Word of God that we might learn how God should be worshipped.


We believe that worship is believing the gospel and responding with one’s whole life and being to the person and work of God’s Son.